MUST HAVE companies and facilities MyProduce PPS V4.0.51

MUST HAVE companies and facilities MyProduce PPS V4.0.51

Only an Administrator will be able to modify this option
You must set up your information in Companies and Facilities. You will also be required to enter your GS1 Company Prefix too. 
Companies and Facilities under the Settings dropdown

Click on New Company to make a new company or configure for the first time. If there is a Company already in the list press the Edit button (pencil icon under Actions) next to an existing company to bring up the Edit Company screen

The company has to have a
1. company name
2. A GS1 company prefix
3. at least one company address (if you only have one select both under address type)

Once you have created a company you will have to create at least one Facility (warehouse)
To do this click on the company you just made on the left and it will highlight in blue (below on left)
You will also see the name of the company appear at the top on the box on the right
To make a new Facility press the "new facility" button on the very right

Enter the name of the facility (warehouse).
You will need at least one Facility set up in the system 

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