This option is only available to Administrators and Business Users
You have to have Growers and Grower sources set up in the system to use it.
A grower is the farmer that grow the produce
A Grower source is a reference to the field or plot where the produce was actually grown
1. to get to the setup area go to the manage data and the Growers and Sources option. Remember this is only available to certain user types
2. Growers and sources are set up similarly to Commodities and Varieties, Set up a Grower by selecting the new grower button
3. Enter the name of your grower / farm
4. You can make a grower active or inactive
5. Once you have saved the grower you can select them by clicking on them and they will change color (image below)
6. You will see the grower name on the right
7. Press the "new grower source" button to add a grower source (field where the produce was grown)
8 You will need to also add the country , but the state is optional
Labels being printed use the country set in the Source for the "Product Of ____" field